

Turnaround time:

  • Defined as time of completion - time of arrival
  • T = TCompletion - TArrival

Response time

  • Time of response = Time first run minus time of arrival.
  • T = TFirstRun - TArrival


  • First in first out: The first process to arrive gets executed first.
  • Problems:
    • Given 3 processes: A, B and C (which arrives at that order). A runs for 100 seconds and B and C for 10 seconds each.
    • Time of completion for: A = 100 secs, B = 110 and C = 120. Average 110 secs.
    • FIFO behaves poorly on processes of different lengths

Shortest Job First (SJF)

  • The shorts job runs first, then the next one and so on.
  • Average turn around time for process A, B and C decreases from 110 secs to 50 secs.
  • Problems
    • If A arrives first and 10 seconds later B and C arrive, we will get similar turnaround time than in FIFO.

Shortest time to completion first (STCF)

  • The shortest job to completion runs.
  • If process A which takes 100 seconds it's running and a process B which takes 5 seconds arrives 10 seconds later A starts running, we switch to run process B because it will end before.
  • Bad response time.

Round Robin

  • Runs a jobs for a time slice
  • The time slice must be a multiple of the timer-interrupt period
  • Better response time
  • Shorter time slice makes RR perform better on the response time metric
  • Too short makes context switching slow down the systems


  • Fair scheduling policies perform poorly on metrics like turn around time but good on metrics like response time. (SJF, STCF)
  • Unfair scheduling policies perform poorly on response time and better on turn around time. (RR)


  • If process A has I/O operations: |AAAAA|I/O|AAAAA|
    • It spits the process in two, the I/O it's the delimiter
  • When the I/O is in progress another process can run (i.e B)